Author name: Comunicaciones Austral

limpieza de playas

Beach Clean-up

With the aim of fostering an environmental culture among our employees and workers, neighbors, authorities, and other stakeholders, we organize beach clean-up days in the areas surrounding our production plants. During the event, various types of waste are collected, and there are also moments for reflection on the importance of keeping the beaches clean, proper waste segregation, and the conservation of marine biodiversity.

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humadales artificiales

Austral Group delivers an artificial wetland that will benefit more than 600 students in Coishco

Como parte de su compromiso con el cuidado ambiental y el bienestar de las comunidades donde opera, Austral Group -en alianza con la ONG Bureo- construyó un humedal artificial en la Institución Educativa 89506 “Eduardo Ferrick Ring”, ubicada en el distrito de Coishco, región Áncash, que atiende a más de 600 niños y niñas. El

Austral Group delivers an artificial wetland that will benefit more than 600 students in Coishco Read More »


Ministry of the Environment acknowledges progress made by fishing industry in measuring its carbon footprint

El Perú tiene como meta reducir en 40% la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero al año 2030, según el compromiso adquirido en el Acuerdo de París. En esa línea, la industria pesquera peruana viene trabajando para identificar y reducir su huella de carbono, con el fin de mitigar el impacto del cambio climático que

Ministry of the Environment acknowledges progress made by fishing industry in measuring its carbon footprint Read More »

creciendo juntos

Creciendo Juntos (“Growing Together”) Program

This program aims to promote the formalization of artisanal fishermen in the ports where we operate, thus supporting the artisanal fishing sector facing this issue in Peru. We implement this program in collaboration with the Association of Fishermen and Shipowners Dedicated to Fishing Activities in the Coishco Cove and with the Regional Association of Artisanal and Related Fishermen of Callao. To date, we have worked with over 200 fishermen from both associations, supporting them in their formalization process. 

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Muévete (“Move”)

Since 2015, the Muévete program has aimed to promote healthy lifestyles and recreational activities for children and young people in the ports where we operate. Through this program, we offer free activities and workshops in various sports and cultural disciplines that include soccer, volleyball, drawing, dance, painting and others.
To date, more than 2,600 children in the districts of Coishco, Pisco and Chancay have been positively impacted by this program.

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Tu Futuro (“Your Future”) Program

The Tu Futuro program aims to provide training and employment opportunities for young people who are neither in employment nor in education or training (NEET). It is developed in collaboration with the Forge Foundation. In each program edition, Austral collaborates by providing scholarships for young people residing in the ports where we operate. The program includes 3 phases, such as call and selection, soft and technical skills training, and job placement support. To date, more than 250 scholarships have been awarded, contributing to the development of young individuals and achieving the formal job placement of 56, despite the country’s economic challenges stemming from the pandemic and the economic crisis.

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