Gest ambiental


Innovation and Eco-efficiency in Our Fishing Fleet.

In 2016, we invested USD 30 million in the construction of the modern and eco-efficient anchovy vessel Don Ole. Moving forward with the fleet modernization plan, in 2022, we incorporated the VEA F/V, which meets high technological, environmental, and safety standards.

We continue to invest in improving our fleet through engine enhancements to reduce emissions and improve fuel efficiency, eco-efficient energy consumption systems, radar implementation, enhanced living conditions, and technology for refrigeration systems.

Innovation and Eco-efficiency in Our Fishing Fleet. Read More »

gas natural

Cleaner Energies 

Currently, our 3 plants located in the north-central region of the country have switched their energy matrix to natural gas, thus promoting the use of a more environmentally-friendly fuel. The first project to change the energy matrix took place at the Pisco plant with an investment of approximately USD 2.7 million, followed by the Chancay plant with an investment of USD 1.8 million, and finally the Coishco plant with an investment of USD 1.9 million.

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limpieza de playas

Beach Clean-up

With the aim of fostering an environmental culture among our employees and workers, neighbors, authorities, and other stakeholders, we organize beach clean-up days in the areas surrounding our production plants. During the event, various types of waste are collected, and there are also moments for reflection on the importance of keeping the beaches clean, proper waste segregation, and the conservation of marine biodiversity.

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net positiva

Net Positiva

We recover our disused fishing nets through the Net Positiva program, in partnership with the social enterprise Bureo, where, through an innovative recycling process, our nets are transformed into raw materials for the production of new products.
Furthermore, this program generates a fund for the implementation of socio-environmental projects benefiting the community. Projects include “Fresh Water”, which provides purified water from the air to communities with limited access to water, and the implementation of the first artificial wetland within a school that allows reusing domestic water for the expansion of green areas.

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acuerdo de produccion limpia

Clean Production Agreement (CPA) - Perú Limpio Seal

In February 2021, Austral signed its first CPA with the Ministries of the Environment and Production, and the National Fisheries Society. Said agreement established 6 goals related to waste valorization and environmental education in the community under a circular economy approach. In November 2022, we received the Perú Limpio (“Clean Peru”) Seal, becoming the first Peruvian fishing company to achieve this recognition, upon fulfilling our commitments established in these 6 goals.

Clean Production Agreement (CPA) - Perú Limpio Seal Read More »

Carbon Footprint

En Austral Group velamos por una correcta gestión de las emisiones dentro de nuestros procesos. El monitoreo de estas emisiones nos brinda indicadores para medir el impacto de nuestras actividades e implementar mejoras en cada una de ellas bajo un enfoque de ecoeficiencia. Desde el año 2018 realizamos la medición anual de la Huella de Carbono en nuestras 4 Plantas: Coishco, Chancay, Pisco e Ilo; así como en Sede Central, Almacén Callao y Flota. Desde entonces, año a año reportamos voluntariamente nuestro informe de emisiones en la Plataforma Huella de Carbono Perú del Ministerio del Ambiente, así como la verificación externa y la reducción de nuestras emisiones. Es así que este año, obtuvimos la “tercera estrella» en la plataforma, correspondiente a la mitigación de nuestras emisiones.

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